HBAC with celebration |
Gotta love those feet |
A mothers love is full and heartfelt |
Some babies are big and some are small. Some moms are big women and some are small. But what if there is a big baby and a small mom? What about a mom who is having a HBAC? What about a mothers love for her baby and the will to birth well. Birth is designed to work even if know one was there. So why are we there then. Because sometimes there is a need for the skills a midwife knows and must use to keep everyone safe. But some midwives can be NEEDED at births too much. Becoming a midwife means you understand what to do and when to do it. Your best births are when you are needed most as good clean up and assesment of normal. But when those births come that need your skills and your wisdom, use it wisely. Make good decisions and always remember to support the mother in her wisdom and her progress. Your words are powerful at birth. I saw a twins birth on a DVD recently and the midwife said to the mother " your at 8 cm you go stuck at 6 cm last time". Can you guess what happened next? She was stuck at 8cm for 8 hours. Use your words carefully women.
Some are just meant to be big |
Some labors are slow and some are fast. What makes them that way is dependant on the woman, her hormones, her babies position and her emotions. When a labor is slow and there is lots of help with repositioning the head with doola hoolas and with homeopathy and walking. Patience and perseverance of the mother is what works. " I am not a quiter" she says. Does that mean we as midwives support her in continuing at home? Yes if all is well and baby is happy and mom is still got energy. When all is said and done and the baby is born lusty and well with a nucal hand, it is then that you know the woman was right, she was determined to succeed and when she says she needs to get up and move, believe her. It is her body and baby that she is listening too.
My mom and me worked good together. |
Sometimes you have to help a woman know when the path will not lead her to her best goal. That is where you are her guide to trusting the process that this birth is leading. The more you expect the best the more often the best will happen. Instill that in the women you work with. And remember the oxytocin works best if you keep the women inside herself and quiet. Babies come out.
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